Personal forum regulations:
1. It is prohibited to leave personal contact information (phone number, email, messaging app ID, dating app ID, etc.) on personal forum posts and comments. Violators will have their posts deleted and be suspended for 30 days.
2. If a personal forum does not have an NSFW label, it is prohibited to post pornography, obscene content, explicit photos, sexual acts, etc. content. However, educational content is exempt from this restriction.
3. It is prohibited to post explicit or pornographic content involving minors/underage.
4. It is prohibited to discuss leaks/private explicit content, including but not limited to individuals, resources, locations, etc. Violators will have their posts deleted and be suspended for 90 days.
5. It is prohibited to make threats, slander, discriminate, taunt or abuse others, incite or promote violent behavior, harm others or animals, or advocate self-harm. Violators will have their posts deleted and be suspended for 7 days.
6. It is prohibited to post content that violates government laws and regulations.
7. Any content or name that impersonates or leads others to mistake it for an official Dcard will be deleted and result in permanent suspension.
8. It is prohibited to post explicit, violent, or illegal content or leave personal contact information (phone number, email, messaging app ID, dating app ID, etc.) in nickname avatars, nickname backgrounds, and nickname page descriptions. Violators will have their nickname avatar, nickname background, and nickname page description usage rights suspended for 3 days.
For more details, please refer to: